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September 8, 2022

3-5 pm Az Time / 5-7 pm hora CDMX

Political borders, the material boundaries between States, are today places of movement and immobility. Migrants in camps contrast with the traffic of goods accumulated in trailers and trucks. At some borders we can see walls, at others nothing more than the mapped extensions of nature. At these coordinates, frictions and disputes, encounters and conflicts arise. Borders extend in the form of detention centers and migration stations; but they are also reconfigured in artistic interventions or maps painted on the walls of a migrant shelter. In the anxiety of the images, aesthetics, ways of seeing, absences, announced visibilities are insinuated.

Transborder Encounters: Publications


Rihan Yeh

Esta presentación cruza dos casos: ambos, hombres deportados de Estados Unidos, que conocí en Tijuana en los 2000. En la sombra de la frontera que les ha sido cerrada, sueñan con encontrar la clave de otros viajes, donde accederán a algo mucho más misterioso y potente que cualquier cosa que Estados Unidos podría ofrecer. Su búsqueda personal de conocimiento esotérico entreteje experiencias de marginación, la tecnificación de la frontera, luchas políticas, aislamiento individual y la insistencia en la promesa de la libertad.

About Rihan Yeh

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